Remedial Therapy
Remedial therapies and Massage Therapy use specific massage techniques to treat muscular and joint problems where there is significant pain or loss of movement. Remedial therapy is designed for the treatment of short and long term injuries. A number of techniques are used including myofacsial release, muscle energy technique, dry needling and trigger point therapy.
Sports MassageUsing a variety of stretching and massage techniques aimed at preventing injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments, both before and after playing sport. Used by anyone who is physically active and seeking to get their muscles in peak condition.
Relaxation MassageUsing moderate pressure with flowing movements relaxation massage is designed to reduce stress, improve wellbeing and escape from everyday life. Expect to have a good night sleep after this type of treatment!
*Recommended treatment duration 1 hour |
Myofascial Dry NeedlingDry needling is a treatment in which a thin accupunture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point. Dry needling is strictly based on Western medicine principles and research and it is increasingly used in the management of musculoskeletal and sports injuries.
All treatments will be tailored to the individual client and in some cases, a designed exercise and stretching program may be given to maintain the effects of the massage